Dedicated to Booklovers aboard, we make the English version of "The Four Fingered Pianist"
May it could inspire much more people all over the world...
When I was at one of the bookstore in Semarang, I was looking for
inspirational books. As always, I also took time to read a biography books or
other inspirational books, after religious or business books. One of the books
that caught my attention was the story of a Korean girl named Hee Ah Lee.
Hee Ah Lee is a South Korean
girl aged 22 years, world famous pianist who often travels around the world to
hold a concert. She even performed the piano in the White House.
Before she was born, her parents had had been told that her baby would
be born with handicapped. One of her parent relative even suggested them to
give the child to an orphanage shortly after her born.
Hee Ah Lee was born with a
lobster claw syndrome, both of her hands only has two fingers that looks like a
claw shrimp. She has legs that limited only up to the knee. The more
miserable thing was her mental retardation. Seemed she would live in a complete
misery. Instead of feeling miserable, her parent saw her as a gift from God.
Then they take care of her with great affection.
When she was six years, Hee
Ah Lee had not been able to hold a pencil. In order to strengthen her both
hands and legs muscles, and so to train her motoric movement, her doctor
suggested her to play piano. Surprisingly, her piano skill would open her
universe later.
Although she had to get
through it with tears because of the struggling period at the beginning, Hee Ah
Lee kept practice piano every day. Sometimes it took a year to play only one
song. In fact, she had to practice five to ten hours a day for five years just
to be able to play one of the Chopin. Only for a song!
When I saw in a video how
she played the piano, my eyes would shed with tears of proud. I was amazed by
her confident performance, she never shame with her physical appearance.
Surprisingly, she has a courage to walked alone toward the stage with her
height that only 104 cm and spoke to the audience confidently.
Logically, if one thinks
about her condition, Hee Ah Lee has a very strong reason to meet failure. Even
a person with 10 fingers might still feel difficult to play the piano
perfectly, but Hee Ah Lee with only four fingers could play it amazingly. It
would be easier for others who had strong and healthy legs to step on piano’s
pedal, but Hee Ah Lee with two legs limited only up to the knee. Others might
have common intelligence, but Hee Ah Lee suffered from mental retardation.
Ouuchh !
Whenever you feel you were
in a condition that full of obstacles like deadlock at work, no way out
project, rejected by the publisher, bankrupt, …. never despair. You have to try
harder than before, though it might seems impossible at the beginning, there
must be a way! Hee Ah Lee has proved it. Never give up! You can do it!
translate by Sisi
*abis sarapan apa tadi pagi bro? wkwkwk
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